嵌入式软件交叉编译和调试环境要求编辑和编译软件在主机上进行,编译好的软件在目标机上运行,同时,主机和目标机建立起通信连接,并传输调试命令和数据。首先介绍了一种以GNU工具链为核心的开源嵌入式集成开发环境Eclipse/Target Builder/Esto系统,然后讨论了其结构框架和功能,最后以Motorola M9328MX1ADS开发板为例,详细介绍了构建Eclipse/Target Builder/Esto开发环境的具体方法以及为开发板定制BSP(板极支持包)的过程。
In cross-compile and debugging softwares based on embedded system, the host must contain the editor and cross-compiler software, and the built softwares should run on the target. The host and target bulit communication link and transfer debugging command and data. The frame and functions of the open source embedded integrated development environment based on GNU toolchain, Eclipse/Target Builder/Esto, were discussed in the paper. Taking Motorola M9328MX1ADS board for example, the method of building the development Environment and the process of customizing the BSP for the board were introduced in detail.
Electronic Engineer