
噪声恒虚警处理电路的计算机仿真 被引量:5

Computer Simulation of Noise-constant False Alarm Rate
摘要 雷达信号的恒虚警检测是雷达信号处理的重要组成部分。采用恒虚警处理技术,能够连续监视噪声或杂波平均电平的变化,及时调整检测门限电平,使其始终保持在最佳检测门限电平上,保持虚警率恒定。首先阐述了雷达信号恒虚警检测电路的设计原理和方法、评价其性能的纽曼-皮尔逊判决准则,然后利用MATLAB/simulink计算机仿真技术分析和研究了某机载脉冲多普勒雷达噪声恒虚警处理电路的工作情况,给出了单、双门限噪声恒虚警率处理电路的仿真模型和仿真结果。 The Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detection of Radar's signals plays an important role in radar signal processing. Adopting CFAR technology, the varieties of noise' s and clutter' s average level are under surveillance continuously. Adjusting gate level duly and holding it at the best detective level can keep false alarm rate constant. Firstly, this paper discusses the theories and methods of radar signal detecting and expatiates judging rule which evaluates CFAR' s performances. Secondly, The working status of certain PD radar's CFAR processing circuit is analyzed and studied by using computer simulation technologies based on MATLAB/Simulink. Furthermore, two kinds of simulation models and simulation results are given respectively.
出处 《电子工程师》 2007年第7期4-6,共3页 Electronic Engineer
关键词 雷达 信号检测 噪声干扰 噪声恒虚警率 计算机仿真 radar signal detection noise jamming noise-constant false alarm rate computer simulation
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