
先驱体转化法含硼连续SiC纤维研究进展 被引量:3

Advances in Polymer-Derived Boron-Containing Continuous Silicon Carbide Fibers
摘要 含硼连续SiC纤维是很有前景的耐高温陶瓷纤维,室温拉伸强度达到3.0 GPa,耐温1 400℃以上。本文综述了国内外先驱体转化法含硼连续SiC纤维的基本性能和制备方法,并分析比较了各国含硼连续SiC纤维的性能以及制备方法的特点,进而提出制备含硼连续SiC纤维的新思路。 Boron-Containing continuous silicon carbide fiber is a promising heat resistant ceramic fiber, The room strength of this fiber is over 3.0 GPa and the heat resistant temperature is over 1 400℃. In this article, the basic properties and different preparing methods of polymer-derived boron-containing continuous silicon carbide fibers are reviewed. A new method of preparing polymer-derived boron-containing continuous silicon carbide fibers is mentioned.
出处 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期5-7,共3页 Aerospace Materials & Technology
关键词 Si-C-B纤维 先驱体转化法 陶瓷纤维 Si - C - B fibers, Polymer pyrolysis
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