
钛蜂窝体制备及压缩性能研究 被引量:5

Fabrication and Compression Properties of Ti Honeycomb
摘要 采用融熔沉积快速成形法制备钛金属蜂窝结构材料,对粉浆制备、钛金属蜂窝结构蜡坯固化、脱蜡等工艺以及所制备的钛蜂窝体的压缩性能进行了研究.结果表明,采用融熔沉积快速成形可以制备钛金属蜂窝结构,工艺简单、尺寸可控,钛蜂窝结构的相对密度在9%~12.6%范围内,屈服强度和弹性模量的增加不大;相对密度超过12.6%后,屈服强度显著增加,但弹性模量增加的幅度不大.通过改变蜂窝体正六边形的边长或改变蜂窝体的壁厚均达到相同的相对密度条件下,蜂窝体的压缩强度差别不大,但对蜂窝体的弹性模量却有显著影响. Ti metal honeycomb structure materials are fabricated by using Fused Deposition Modelling rapid prototype manufacturing. The techniques of fabricating powder slurry, solidifying Ti metal honeycomb wax and dewaxing cast wax are investigated. Also, the compression properties of fabricated Ti metal honeycomb are studied. The results indicate that Ti metal honeycomb structure can be fabricated by using Fused Deposition Modelling technique and the processes are simple and the size of honeycomb is controllable. When the relative density of Ti honeycomb structure is between 9% and 12.6%, the yield strength and elastic modulus of Ti honeycomb structure have a few increasing. When the relative density of Ti honeycomb structure is over 12.6%, the yield strength of Ti honeycomb structures increases significantly, however, the elastic modulus of Ti honeycomb structure has a little increase. Furthermore, by changing edge length or wall thickness of hexagon, the same relative density of Ti honeycomb structure can be obtained. On the condition of the same relative density by changing edge length and wall thickness of hexagon, the yield strength of Ti honeycomb structure is similar, but the elastic modulus has significant difference.
出处 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期42-45,共4页 Aerospace Materials & Technology
基金 黑龙江省博士后基金资助
关键词 快速成形 融熔沉积 金属蜂窝 压缩性能 Rapid prototype, Fused deposition modelling, Metal honeycomb, Compression properties
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