To provide a theoretical basis for differential diagnosis and early diagnosis of co-infection of tumorous diseases, we studied patho- histological changes and ultrastructure of tumor issues of 1-day-old broiler breeders inoculated with Marek' s disease virulent virus. The study showed that inflammatory changes were observed in main organs at 1 week old under the optical microscope. Proliferation of lymphocytes and reticular cells were seen in main organs at 2 week old, and cuffing in cerebrum and Marek' s disease cells were observed. Atheroselerosis (AS) of Muscular stomach could be seen at 7 weeks old. AS was observed in cerebrum and other organs from 10 to 13 weeks old. Multi- morphology Lymphocytes, Marek' s disease virus, mitotic figures and apoptosis of lymphocytcs were observed at transmission electron microscope. Dynamic pathohistological study showed that Marek' s disease virus cells as well as atheroselerosis can serve as a basis for early stage diagnosis.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences