
论高校民族传统体育教学 被引量:11

On the Education of Traditional Sports in Chinese Universities
摘要 中华民族传统体育是一笔宝贵的文化财富,必须通过学校体育教学的渠道来发展弘扬。高校体育是民族传统体育走向规范、科学普及的必由之路。在众多的民族传统体育走进高校的前提下,针对高校民族传统体育教学质量还很薄弱这一环节,根据民族传统体育项目的健身性、竞争性、娱乐性、地域性、广适性等特点,筛选出适合普遍在高校开展和推广的民族传统体育项目。在高校体育教学中,必须从实际出发,遵循民族传统体育特殊的教学特点和教学原则,选择恰当的教学方法,提高民族传统体育教学质量,使高校学生能接受更多的民族传统体育教育,以达到强身健体,弘扬中华民族传统文化的目的。 Traditional sports items of nationalities in China is a cultural wealth. It must be carried forward through sports education of universities. And it is sports education of universities that can standardize and popularize traditional sports of nationalities scientifically. It is better for us to select suitable traditional sports items of nationalities which can be commonly popularized in Chinese universities. Since the situation of the education of traditional sports items is still pretty weak at present, we must adopt proper teaching methods according to the characters of traditional sports items of nationalities, keeping fit, competition, entertainment, regions, and suitableness. Only by doing so can we act in accordance with distinguishing features and follow the teaching principles of traditional sports items of nationalities. Thus we can hope to improve the teaching quality of traditional sports items of nationalities. And therefore to encourage university students to have more education of traditional sports items of nationalities. The purpose of it is to achieve the goal of being strong and healthy.
作者 李建荣
机构地区 毕节学院
出处 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期173-176,共4页 Guizhou Ethnic Studies
关键词 民族传统体育 教学特点 教学原则 Traditional sports items of nationalities Teaching characters the teaching principles
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