
上海市饮水机污染状况及其影响因素分析 被引量:9

Investigation on the Pollution of Drinking Water Supply Apparatus and Analysis of Its Affecting Factors
摘要 [目的]通过对普通饮水机和冰水机污染状况的调查及其影响因素的分析,对饮水机微生物污染的情况作出一个初步的评价,以便为将来改进和提高饮水机的卫生性能提供科学依据。[方法]随机选择188台普通饮水机和16台冰水机进行卫生学调查,分析调查因素与检出微生物指标之间的关系。[结果]普通饮水机常温龙头水细菌总数、总大肠菌群超标率分别为70.2%、11.2%,霉菌检出率为41.5%;冰水机低温龙头水细菌总数、总大肠菌群超标率分别为81.3%、12.5%,未检出霉菌。饮水机聪明座的霉菌污染与桶内水霉菌污染之间(r_s=0.427,P=0.007)、聪明座的霉菌污染与常温龙头水之间(r_s=0.464,P=0.003)存在等级相关关系。不同放置场所的饮水机常温龙头水总大肠菌群的检出率不同(x^2=14.669,P=0.047);饮水机上使用水的种类对常温龙头水霉菌的检出率有影响(x^2=16.441,P=0.001);桶装水的周转时间及饮水机的清洗频率对常温龙头水总大肠菌群的检出率有影响(分别为x^2=8.254,P=0.041和x^2= 11.348,P=0.010)。[结论]必须重视饮水机的微生物污染;改造饮水机的现有结构;加快桶装水的周转时间并增加清洗频率,正确清洗。 [Objective ] To investigate the microorganism pollution of ordinary and cooling drinking water supply apparatus and analyze its affecting factors for the purpose of providing a scientific basis for improving the sanitary properties of the apparatus. [ Methods ] 188 public ordinary drinking water supply apparatuses and 16 such apparatuses with cooling function randomly selected from families, offices and schools were investigated and the relationship between microorganism indices and their influencing factors were analyzed. [ [Results ] The rates of samples taken from ordinary apparatuses not in accordance with the National Drinking Water Sanitary Standard for total bacteria count and eoliforms were 70.2% and 11.2% respectively, and for molds was 41.5%. The similar rates of samples taken from public drinking water apparatuses with cooling function for total bacteria count and total eoliforms were 81.3% and 12.5% respectively, but no mold detected. Mold contamination of the smart rack for holding water barrel showed a rank correlation with the eomtamination of barrelled water( rs = 0.427, P = 0.007 )and of the water collected from the outlet tap of the ordinary apparatus( rs =0.464, P = 0.003 ). The different places where drinking water supply apparatus ( no cooling function ) was situated showed significant difference in the results of their total coliforms detection ( Pearson X^2 = 14.669, P = 0.047 ). The different types of barrelled water were highly correlated with the positive detection rate of mold in the water from non-cooling outlet tap( Pearson X^2 = 16.441, P = 0.001 ).The different changing period of the barrelled water showed differences on total coliforms growth in non-cooling outlet tap water( Pearson X^2 = 8.254, P = 0.041 ), and so was the the different cleaning cycle of the apparatus ( Pearson 2,2 = 11.348, P = 0.010 ). [ Conclusion ] It is necessary to pay more attention on the pollution of drinking water supply apparatus. Modifying its structure, shortening barreled water changing cycle and cleaning the drinking water supply apparatus more often may reduce the pollution of it.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第4期404-406,434,共4页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
基金 国际铜业协会合作课题
关键词 饮水机 卫生状况 影响因素 drinking water supply apparatus sanitary status influencing factor
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