
绩效考核执行力的实证研究 被引量:26

An Empirical Study on Execution of Performance Appraisal
摘要 本文从实证角度探讨组织内的绩效考核执行力。通过对收集的607份有效问卷的分析,验证了绩效考核执行力由科学性、可操作性、可控制性三维度构成的有效性,以及绩效考核执行力与绩效考核满意度之间的积极预测关系。 The paper has made an empirical study on execution of performance appraisal among organizations. On the basis of 607 available questionnaires, the research indicates the validity of the questionnaire, which consists of three components, reasonability, feasibility and controllability. The execution has significant effects on satisfaction of performance appraisal.
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期32-37,共6页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70671046)
关键词 绩效考核 绩效管理 执行力 绩效考核满意庋 performance appraisal performance management execution satisfaction of performance appraisal
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