
超声弹性成像技术及其应用 被引量:41

Ultrasonic Elasticity Imaging and Its Application
摘要 超声弹性成像作为一种新的超声成像方法,它通过获取有关组织弹性信息进行成像,弥补了X射线、超声成像(US)、磁共振成像(MRI)、计算机断层扫描(CT)等传统医学成像模态不能直接提供组织弹性的不足,具有无创、简单、便宜、容易应用等优点,被广泛应用于临床,成为目前医学弹性成像的一个研究热点。本文介绍了弹性成像基本的原理,详细阐述了血管内超声弹性成像、超声振动声成像、超声剪切波弹性成像、瞬时弹性成像、心肌弹性成像等不同激励方式下的几种超声弹性成像的基本原理、成像方法、国内外目前的研究现状、成像优缺点等,叙述了超声弹性成像在乳腺检测、前列腺癌的检测、射频消融监测和检测、冠状动脉粥样硬化的治疗等临床应用,并总结了超声弹性成像的发展趋势。 Ultrasonic elasticity imaging is a new method of ultrasonic imaging which images through getting elasticity information of relational tissue, remedying shortages of X-ray, ultrasonic (US) computer section scanning (CT) and MRI. Because of the characteristics of non-invasion ,simple,low cost and easy to use, it has been used in clinic and has becom a hot spot in medical elasticity imaging. The principle of elasticity imaging, some aspects of vascular elastography, vibro-acoustography, shear wave elasticity imaging, transient elastography, myocardial elastography , the developments, advantages and disadvantages were introduced; besides, the application and the developing trend of ultrasonic elasticity imaging in detecting galactophore and prostate, inspecting and detecting of radio-melt, therapy of sclerotic spots of coronary artery were demonstrated in this article.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2007年第9期1411-1413,1410,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 超声波 弹性成像 应变 Ultrasonic Elastography Straining
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