
海岸线卫星遥感提取方法研究进展 被引量:55

An Overview of Means of Withdrawing Coastline by Remote Sensing
摘要 海岸线是划分海洋与陆地管理区域的基准线。不同海岸地貌的海岸线划分依据各不相同,因此,它们在卫星图像上的解译标志与提取方法也存在差异。论述了利用遥感进行海岸线动态监测的优势与海岸线的基本特点及其分类,明确了在各个领域中对海岸线的不同定义,指出了不同类型海岸的遥感解译标志。详细论述了不同种类卫星图像中的海岸线成像机理,介绍了使用卫星遥感图像提取各类海岸线的算法及其发展过程,并对遥感图像中的海岸线提取算法的发展方向做出了分析。 The coastline is the base directrix divides the region of sea and land management. The different seacoast landform coastline division rests on various, therefore, they translate the symbol on the satellite imagery solution with to withdraw the method also to have the difference. This article elaborated has carried on the coastline dynamic monitor using the remote sensing the superiority and the coastline essential feature and the classification, has been clear about in each domain to the coastline different definition, had pointed out the different type seacoast remote sensing solution translated the symbol. In detail elaborated in the different type satellite imagery coastline image formation mechanism, introduced the use satellite remote sensing image withdraws each kind of coastline the algorithm and the developing process, and withdrew the algorithm to in the remote sensing image coastline the development direction to make the analysis.
出处 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 2007年第4期575-580,共6页 Remote Sensing Technology and Application
基金 国家海洋局908专项海岛海岸带遥感调查(908-01-WY01)资助
关键词 海岸线 遥感图像 岸线提取 小波变换 SAR Costline, Remote sensing image, Extracting costline, Wavelet change, SAR
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