
美国与多边安全合作 被引量:1

America and Multilateral Security Cooperation
摘要 多边安全合作今天是国际关系中使用最多的词汇之一,但概念界定不清,本文对多边安全合作概念进行了界定并将多边安全合作与多边主义和多边外交做出了区分。全文重点是美国与多边安全合作的关系。研究发现,美国在多边安全合作中的行为是互相矛盾的。其主要原因在于,在集体主义和单边主义之间美国本质上更相信单边主义。 In nowadays international relations, “multilateral security cooperation” is one of the terms which have been used most frequently. However, the definition of the term is ambiguous. This article tries to give it a clear definition. Meanwhile, it tries to make a distinction between muhilateralism and multilateral security cooperation and between multilateral diplomacy and multilateral security cooperation. The main aim of the article is to find how America deals with multilateral security cooperation. The conclusion is that in multilateral security cooperation, America's behaviors are contradictory. This is because Americans more believe in Unilateralism than in Collectivism.
作者 许嘉
出处 《外交评论(外交学院学报)》 CSSCI 2007年第4期54-58,共5页 Foreign Affairs Review
关键词 美国 多边安全合作 单边主义 America multilateral security cooperation unilateralism
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  • 1《美国战略思维研究》,北京:军事科学出版社,2003年版,第161页
  • 2Robert Jackson and George Sorensen, Introduction to International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), p.119.
  • 3[美]汉斯·摩根索 卢明华 时殷弘 林勇军.《国际纵横策论-争强权,求和平》[M].上海译文出版社,1995年版.第140-142页.
  • 4John Gerald Ruggie, ed. Muhilateralism Matters: the Theory and Praxis of an International Form (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), p.11.
  • 5Robert O. Keohane,“Multilateralism: Agenda for Research,”International Journal, Vol. XLV, No.4( Autumn, 1990).
  • 6《美国战略思维研究》,北京:军事科学出版社,2003年版,“前言”
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  • 8Michael Joseph Smith,Realist Thought from Weber to Kissinger ( Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1986 ) pp.61-63.
  • 91992年美国《防务计划指导方针》
  • 10美国中央情报局2006年的统计(CIA World Fact-hook 2006)


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