

A Comparison of the Causes of the Vagrancy Problems between Early Modern China and Early Modern England
摘要 英国都铎和斯图亚特王朝早期出现了有史以来最严重的流民和贫困问题,对英国社会冲击很大。近代中国也出现了严重的流民问题。造成流民问题的原因十分复杂,主要有:圈地和兼并、人口因素、通货膨胀、兵匪兵祸、自然灾害等。两国虽然近代化的时期相差300多年,但在转型期出现的问题却惊人的相似。仅这一点也值得我们研究和思考。 In the Tudor and early Stuart dynasties a serious poverty and vagrancy problem appeared in England which caused a great turmoil in the society.The same events happened in early modern China.The causes of the problems in the two countries are very complex which mainly related with enclosure,population increase,inflation,wars and natural disasters etc.There is much likeness between the two countries,although three hundred years space remains between the two stories.That's what provokes us to do further consideration.
作者 尹虹
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期82-90,共9页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 近代 中英 流民 比较 early modern China and England vagrant comparison
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