
孝感市遥感影像数据的Web发布与实现 被引量:3

Web-based releasing and implementation of remote sensing image data of Xiaogan city
摘要 针对遥感影像对地表信息获取快、情况反映真实的特点,采用Google Earth提供的高分辨率卫星图片,利用ArcSDE和ArcIMS将孝感市遥感影像进行了Web发布。实现了用户通过Internet对市区遥感影像数据的查询、检索与访问,为城市的发展预测、规划决策以及科学管理提供可靠依据。文章系统地研究了遥感影像Web发布的体系结构与技术问题及实现的全过程,并给出了系统的发布界面。 Aiming at the characters of remote sensing image such as quickly acquisition and true reflection of land surface information,one web-based releasing system of remote sensing images of Xiaogan city is designed,which is combined with ArcSDE and ArcIMS by using the free high-resolution satellite images provided by Google Earth.It can easily query,browse and analyze urban remote sensing images on Internet.It provides reliable support for urban development forecasting,planning,decision-making and scientific management.In this paper,a systematic research on architecture,technical problems and whole process of accomplishment of releasing system is conducted.The releasing interface of system is presented too.
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期124-126,共3页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 2006年孝感学院自然科学立项项目资助(2006XGUSP0012)
关键词 ARCIMS ARCSDE WEB 孝感市 遥感影像 ArcIMS ArcSDE web Xiaogan city remote sensing image
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