

"Betriebsgemeinschaft instead of class struggle"——the relationship between early Nazi Government and enterprisers in light of the Nazi Labor Law
摘要 1934年1月20日德国纳粹劳动法出台,废除了工人在魏玛时期争取到的劳资平等的法律地位,在企业中建立起"领袖-追随者"的"企业共同体"式劳资关系。"企业共同体"是纳粹鼓吹的"民族共同体"意识形态在企业的缩影,但这个概念的提出者并不是纳粹运动领导人,而是魏玛时期的经济界。纳粹党上台前对企业劳资关系并没有统一明确的认识,从在野党转为执政党后,纳粹党为尽快恢复经济,扩军备战,放弃了上台前鼓吹的行业自治,剥夺了工人和职员的共决权,确立了企业主在企业中的领袖地位,以赢得企业主集团的支持。这部法律体现了两者利益的结合。 The enforcement of German Nazi Law on Jan. 20, 1934 terminated workers' equal-footed relations with management which they had been enjoying since the Weimer Republic, The new labor-management relation: Corporate Community (Betriebsgemeinschafi) is defined as the one between “leader” and “followers” in the corporation, a real epitome of the People's Community (Volksgemeinschafi) ideology held by the Nazi Party, Interestingly enough, the concept of Corporate Community was raised firstly by economists in Weimar Republic instead of Nazi leaders, Nazi Party hadn't a clear programm for handling the labor-management relations before they took office, After seizing the power, the NSDAP established the leader position of the entrepreneurs to get their help for economic resurgence and military expansion. The Nazi Labor Law manifested the combination between Nazi Party and enterprisers in term of interests.
作者 邓白桦
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期19-26,90,共9页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 2007年度国家社会科学基金项目<20世纪德国劳资和谐关系演进研究:以企业代表会体制为中心>的阶段性成果 项目编号为:07CSS005。
关键词 企业共同体 劳资关系 民族劳动秩序法 Corporate Community (Betriebsgemeinschafi) labor-management relations People's Labor Order Law (dasGesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit ) (AOG)
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