

Macroeconomic Efficiency Analysis on the Optimum Growth Path
摘要 本文从"民众福利的不断提高为经济增长的最终目的"这一基本观点出发,借助于西方经济学中的拉姆齐—卡斯—库普曼斯增长模型,运用规范的经济学分析工具深入地分析了当经济沿着最优动态路径增长时,宏观经济效率与人均资本的各种动态关系。在此基础上结合中美两国多年的数据,全面地分析了各国在各个时期经济效率的具体表现,总体上得出中国的宏观经济效率远远低于美国。进而分析了造成中国经济效率偏低的原因,提出摆脱这种经济低效率状态的若干政策建议。 This paper studies the dynamic relationship between the macroeconomic efficiency and the percapital goods when the economy grows on the dynamic optimum path. We do so by giving a formal and rigorous economic theory to derive the basic results with reference to Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, also based on the perspective of social welfare maximization. On the basis of the dynamic analysis and much data from China and America,we have investigated the economic performance in details in these countries,coming to the conclusion that the macro - economic efficiency of China is much lower than the one of America. Next,we have analyzed the causes of low macro - economic efficiency in China. In the end, we have put forward some policy snggesfions on overcoming the dilemma of low inefficiency based on the facts and reasons of dynamic analysis in the model.
作者 唐东波
出处 《广东广播电视大学学报》 2007年第4期62-68,共7页 Journal of Guangdong Radio & Television University
关键词 经济效率 最优路径 经济增长 人均资本 economic efficiency optimum path economic growth per capital goods
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