
庄存与复兴今文经学起因于“与和坤对立”说辨析——兼论对海外中国学研究成果的吸收与借鉴 被引量:13

A Reexamination of the zhuang Cunyu's Revival of the"New Text"Scholarship Originating in Opposition to Heshen
摘要 今文经学是清代的一个重要学术思潮和流派,至今仍是海内外学术界研究的话题,且在有关问题上存在着不同意见。美国著名汉学家艾尔曼教授对于清代今文经学复兴的原因有其独到的见解,提出庄存与晚年转而研究和复兴今文经学是为了反对当权的和珅,把握庄存与与和珅的斗争是"理解常州今文经学兴起的政治内涵。"值得注意的是,艾氏的观点为不少论者吸收和利用。本文依据大量原始史料分析了庄存与同和珅之间根本形不成对立和斗争;同时,还论证了庄存与治经贯穿其一生,绝非到晚年才转入治《公羊春秋》;进而指出,对于海外中国学的研究成果,既要勇于吸收,又要善于吸收,切忌不加分析盲目引用。 "New Text" scholarship was an important academic school of thought. It is also topic that has interested scholars both in China and overseas, and there are still disagreements on some questions. Professor Benjamin Elman has attributed Zhuang Cunyu' s turn toward the revival of NewTexts in his old age to opposition to the regent, Heshen. This was the political significance underlying the rise of Changzhou New Text scholarship. Elman' s viewpoint has been influential. This paper, based on ample first - hand documentation, contends that it is impossible to delineate the confrontation and struggle between Zhuang and Heshen; meanwhile, this paper shows that Zhuang' s research on the classics was consistent throughout his whole life, and did not change in his old age. The author further points out that we should be discriminating in our reception of foreign scholarship.
作者 王俊义
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期9-17,共9页 The Qing History Journal
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