
双峰山国家森林公园野生观赏植物资源研究 被引量:2

The wild ornamental plant resources of Shuangfeng Mountain National Forest Park
摘要 双峰山森林公园的野生观赏植物423种隶属101科258属,占野生植物总数的89.4%。按生活型划分为乔木类(86种)、灌木类(75种)、草本类(194种)和藤本类(68种);按观赏部位划分为观花类、观果类、观叶类以及观茎(枝)类,其中花、果、叶按色彩可分为不同色系。这些丰富的野生观赏植物具有广泛的园林应用价值,可用作行道树、园景树及花丛布置以丰富园林景观,一些种类可用作盆景、花坛以及绿蓠材料。因此,应科学规划资源的保护与开发,实现资源的可持续利用,充分发挥资源的生态、经济等综合效益。 On the basis of investigation and literature, 423 wild ornamental plants which belonged to 258 genera and 101 families have been defined in Shuangfeng Mountain National Forest Park. They account for 89.4% of total wild species. According to life style, these wild ornamental plants can be divided into tree (86 species), shrub (75 species), herb (194 species) and liane (68 species). According to ornamental organ, they can be divided into ornamental flower, fruit, leaf and stem (branch) and so on. According to the color of flower, fruit or leaf, these plants belong to different color system. These wild plants have great ornamental value and can be used widely in landscape collocation. Some species can be exploited as material of bonsai, parterre and shrub fense. So the protection and exploitation of the wild ornamental plant resources should be considered together in order to achieve their sustainable utilization and to exert its ecological and economical benefit.
出处 《福建林业科技》 北大核心 2007年第3期155-158,165,共5页 Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology
基金 湖北省教育厅优秀中青年人才项目(Q200526001)
关键词 野生观赏植物 双峰山 国家森林公园 wild ornamental plant Shuangfeng Mountain national forest park
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