
2006年聊城市部分男男性接触者高危行为及血清学调查 被引量:3

The Analysis of Risk Behaviors of MSM in Liaocheng and the Serological Detection for Anti-HIV,Anti-TP,and Anti-HCV Antibodies in 2006
摘要 [目的]了解聊城市男男性接触者高危行为特征及艾滋病、性病感染状况,为实施有效的干预措施和防治对策提供科学依据。[方法]2006年7~12月,对聊城市201名男男性接触者进行问卷调查,并对其中部分人员检测血清抗-HIV、梅毒抗体、抗-HCV。[结果]调查201人,年龄(26±5.05)岁;中学生、服务人员、商业人员分别占18.92%、27.44%、15.91%;高中/中专、大专/大专以上文化者分别占26.42%、57.73%;已婚者占68.74%。多性伴者占69.15%,肛交者占94.03%;最近6个月性交时每次都用安全套的仅占17.41%。检测94人血清,1人HIV-1抗体确认为阳性。梅毒抗体与抗-HCV阳性率分别为6.38%、2.13%。[结论]聊城市MSM存在与艾滋病有关的高危行为。 [Objective]To explore the behavioral characteristics of MSMs in Liaoeheng Cky and STD/HIV infections among them,in order to lay foundation for further effective imerventions. [Methods]A total of 201 MSMs were investigated anonymously and 94 blood samples were tested for HIV,TP and HCV infection. [Results]The average age of MSMs were (26±5.05)years and the ratios of middle and high school students, service staff, and commercial staff were 18.92%, 27.44% ,and 15.91% respectively. The ratios of senior smdems and undergraduate were 26.42% and 57.73%, respectively. The ratios of the married and persons with muldpel sex parmers were 68.74 % and 69.21 %, respectively. The ratio of anal sexers was 91.63% ,and only 17.40% of them used condom every time in recent six momhs. The infeefion rates of TP and HCV were 6.38% and 2.13% ,respectively. 94 were tested for HIV,and 1 was positive. [Conclusion]The rate of HIV-relared risk behaviors is high among MSMs in Liaocheng.
作者 蔡新
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2007年第10期888-890,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 男男性接触者 HIV 高危行为 MSM HIV Risk behavior
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