
上海光源储存环磁铁支架隔振测试与分析 被引量:2

Vibration Isolation Study on SSRF Storage Ring Magnet Support
摘要 利用隔振原理,为磁铁支架设计了一种使用弹簧阻尼隔振器的隔振支撑方案,并在支架样机上进行了测试。测试结果显示,与刚性支撑方案对比,该支撑方式能有效地隔离垂向7 Hz以上,径向4 Hz以上的地面振动。由于低频的地面振动被放大,所以1~100 Hz总的振动幅度没有减小。因此,此支撑方案在实用前需要进一步研究采用主动控制的方法抑止低频振动放大。 A vibration isolation support system using spring-damper isolators were designed.Its performance was measured on the magnet support prototype.The test results show that compared with stiff support system,this one can effectively isolate the ground motion over 7Hz(vertical) and 4Hz(lateral).Because the ground motion in low frequency range is amplified,the total vibration in 1-100Hz was not attenuated.This implies further active vibration control system should be used to control the amplification in low frequency before the system could be practically used.
出处 《振动.测试与诊断》 EI CSCD 2007年第3期220-223,共4页 Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis
基金 国家重大科学工程上海光源项目资助课题
关键词 储存环 磁铁 支架 隔振 振动测量 分析 storage ring magnets supports vibration isolation vibration measurement analysis
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