

Dallas Area Rapid Transit--Design of DART CBD Transitway Mall
摘要 德克萨斯州的达拉斯市是一个以私家车为主要交通工具的大都会。20世纪80年代中期,在市政府刚刚提出要在这里规划个“达拉斯地区快速轨道交通系统”的时候.很多人都持怀疑态度.他们认为在达拉斯这样一个以私家车为主要交通工具的城市里.投资在公共交通上等于是浪费公共资源。然而.“快速轨道交通系统”的成功有力地证明了这个想法是错误的。 Dallas, Texas is a large, booming metropolitan area where the automobile is the primary means of transportation. When a rail transit system for the metropolitan area, called DART, was proposed in the mid-1980's, there were many local skeptics who felt that a public investment in mass transit in Dallas would be a waste of public resources, given the region's long history of dependence on private transportation. But the success of DART has proven otherwise.
出处 《景观设计》 2007年第5期44-47,共4页 Landscape Design
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