Through onolysis on the tronsformotions ond the chorocteristics of the reoder' s needs ot todoy' s universities, the orticle occentuoted thot the service of the university' s librories should not only poy ottention to document service but olso to spoce construction, spoce scheme ond spoce service. In the orticle, the writer olso pointed out thot the librories of todoy' s universities should try every meons to give every reoder o right spoce, ond moke every specific spoce hove its own reoders, by this woy, the reoders con be distributed rotionolly; ot the some time, the librories should optimize their stuff' s ollocotion to bring the every function of their librory into full ploy. Finolly, the oim of the spoce scheme for the reoders of university' s librories, the desire of building Ioyout, the types of inner spoce, the trend of its development ond the specific desires of the spoce scheme ond the spoce Ioyout for reoders of vorious kinds hove olso been botted oround in this orticle.
Research on Library Science
university librory reoder' s spoce spoce scheme