
四川省嗜人按蚊地理分布与环境的关系 被引量:5

Relationship between Geographical Distribution of An. Anthropophagus and Environmental Factors in Sichuan
摘要 本文综合分析了四川省嗜人按蚊地理分布与水系、人口密度、耕地类型、土壤以及海拔高度的关系:①该蚊主要分布在岷江流域、盆地南部长江干流区以及沱江水系。各水系该蚊在人房按蚊中所占比例存在差异,岷江、长江干流在50%以上,分别为53.86%、61.90%。②人口密度在100~600人以上/km2地带,该蚊分布最广泛;1971~1980年期间,人口密度在600人以上/km2,该蚊分布的比例高达45.71%。③该蚊多数分布在新冲积土、成都粘土、黄壤和紫色土,少数分布在棕壤、灰棕壤、沼泽土、山地草甸土、灰化棕色森林土,看来土壤类型与该蚊地理分布有一定的关系,但不是决定性条件。④四川省该蚊主要分布在海拔1000m以下,存在冬水田的平坝、丘陵或低山地区。最低海拔1000m以上及全旱地地区没有该按蚊分布,说明海拔高度和冬水田的有无,是决定其地理分布非常重要的因素。但海拔1000m以下、存在冬水田的一些县(市),仍然无该蚊分布。因此,决定其地理分布除以上因素外,还有其他条件(如气象因素)在起作用。⑤该蚊分布区疟疾的发病率与人房中该蚊所占比例密切相关。岷江流域、长江干流区人房中该蚊所占比例高,疟疾的发病率也高;相反,沱江、嘉陵江、乌江等水系人房中该蚊所占比例低,疟疾发病率亦低。另外? This paper analyses the relationship between the geographical distribution of An. thropophagus and environmental factors in Sichuan Province systematically. Many environmental factorsare concerned: hydrographic net, human population density, farming land type, soil texture and altitudeabove sea level. 1. Mostly, An. anthropopagus was distributed at the areas of the Minjiang Valley, theChangiiang trunk drainage in the southern part of sichuan Basin and the Tuojiang Valley. The ratio ofAn. anthropophagus in human dwellings showed some differences among these three water systems:53. 86% and 61. 90 % and 22. 74 % respectively. 2. An. anthropophagus was most widely spread in theareas with a human population density of 100 ~ 600 people per square kilometer from 1951 to 1990. During 1971 ~ 1980, An. anthropophagus in human dwellings was mainly distributed in the areas of humanpopulatuion density more than 600 people per square kilometer with a ratio of An. anthropophagus ashigh as 45. 71 %. 3. An. anthropophagus was largely distributed in new alluvial soil, Chengdu clay, yellowand purple soil; only some in brown-podzol earth, marshy soil, mountain-meadow soil and podzolic brownforest soil. It seems that the distribution of An. anthropophagus is in relation to soil texture, but the soiltype is not a decisive factor. 4. An. anthropophagus was chiefly distributed in plain, hilly land and lowmountain less than 1000 meters above sea level, where there are irrigated fields during winter. No An.anthropophagus was, however, found at the altitude above 1000 meters and dryland areas. The resultsshowed that the geographical distribution of An. anthropophagus was significantly influenced by the altitude above sea level and the existence of irrigated field. Nevertheless, some cities (ortowns) with irrigatedfields still had no An. anthropophgus found below the altitude of 1000 meters. Hence, besides the factors mentioned above, other factors such as meterological factor may play some important role in the geographical distribution of An. anthropophagus. 5. Malaria incidence in the areas with An. anthropophagus had a close relation to the ratio of An. anthropophagus in human dwellings. In the MinjiangValley and the Changjiang trunk drainage, the ratio of An. anthropophagus was much higher than it inthe Tuojiang Valley, Jialing Valley and the Wujiang Valley. Proportionally, malaria incidence in the former areas was also much higher than it in the latter areas. In addition, based on the density of populationliving in the areas with An. anthropophagus, the denser the population, the lower the incidence and viceversa. Reasons are perhaps due to differnt economic level, cilivization degree and public health care between the two groups.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 1997年第1期5-9,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 嗜人按蚊 环境 疟疾 地理分布 An. anthropophagus Environment Malaria incidence
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