
教育政策研究:议论批判的视域 被引量:58

Policy Studies in Education:Discursive-Critical Perspective
摘要 本文旨在对政策研究、特别是教育政策研究的新近发展,加以评论及综合。有关的发展被部分政策研究者称之为阐释转向、争辩转向或说服转向,这些转向基本上是对自二十世纪六十年代起主导政策研究的一种"经验—技术"视域的回应。本文把这些变化统称为"议论批判"视域,它总结了多个理论视域近年在政策研究中的贡献。它们包括:文本、文本质感及文本互联性的诠释学研究,议论的考古学及系谱学研究,批判政策研究。这些转向将会把政策研究从以往只属于政府官员与政策研究者私下的对话引领至一个更为民主的批判议论的平台。 The aim of this article is to review the recent developments in the field of policy studies in general and that of policy studies in education in particular.These developments have been char- aeterized by various practitioners in the field as interpretive,argumentative or persuasive turns. These turns basically signify the reactions to the empirical-technical perspective,which has domina- ted the field since the 1960s.These recent developments have been characterized in this article as discourse-critical perspective.It summarized the methodological contributions to policy studies put forth by hermeneutic studies of text,textaulity and intextuality;archaeological and genealogical studies of discourse;and critical policy studies.It is expected that this emerging perspective will lead the field away from the private dialogues between government officials and policy analysts to a more democratic arena of critical discourse.
作者 曾荣光
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 北大核心 2007年第4期2-30,共29页 Peking University Education Review
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