
紫外光电探测器高精度线性测量装置 被引量:9

High Precision Linearity Measurement Instrument for Ultraviolet Photodetectors
摘要 基于双光阑法,研制了一种紫外光电探测器高精度线性测量装置,主要由高稳定钨带灯、带有快门的双光阑屏、石英透镜、紫外光栅双单色仪和计算机组成,测量波长范围为200~400 nm.给出了该装置的原理、测量方法及数据处理方法。测量过程由计算机配套专用软件进行自动控制。利用该线性测量装置,对光电倍增管探测器进行了线性测量。实验结果表明:该装置测量精度高、速度快,测量不确定度小于0.05%,可应用于对精度要求高的紫外光电探测器线性度的测量。 Based on double-aperture method, a kind of high precision linearity measurement instrument for ultraviolet photodetectors has been developed. It mainly consists of a tungsten strip lamp with high stabilization, a double-aperture screen with shutters, a quartz lens, a ultraviolet grating double-monochromator and a computer. Wavelength region from 200 rim to 400 rim can be measured. The principle, measurement method and data processing method of the instnment is provided. Measurement process can be controlled by a com- puter with special software. With this instrument, a photomultiplier was measured. Experimental results demonstrate that the linearity measurement instrLunent has high accuracy, fast speed, and the measurement uncertainties is less than 0.05 %. This system can be used to measure the linearity of ultraviolet photodetectors with high precision requirement.
出处 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期59-60,63,共3页 Instrument Technique and Sensor
关键词 光电探测器 非线性 线性测量 单色仪 photodetector nonlinearity linearity measurement monochroamtor
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