
腹泻病患儿发锌测定与补锌的疗效观察 被引量:5

Determination of Zinc in Hair from Infant Patients with Diarrhea and Observation of Curative Effect with a Supply of Zinc
摘要 测定了110名急性腹泻病患儿的发锌,并对52名急性腹泻病患儿补锌治疗。结果表明.腹泻患儿缺锌率高于健康儿.而补锌可使该病的退热和止泻时间明显缩短。 The content of zinc in hair from 110 cases of infant patients with diarrhea was determined and a curative effect for 52 cases of acute infont patients with diarrhea by a supply ofzinc was observed. The results showed that the patients had a higher rate of zinc-deficiencythan healthy controls. The supply of zinc can reduce the stage of fervescence and the time ofthe diarrhea.
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 1997年第1期42-43,共2页 Trace Elements Science
关键词 腹泻病 儿童 头发 测定 补锌 Diarrhea, Child, Hair, Zinc
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