
找准农业综合开发着力点 推进现代农业建设

Focus on the Main Point of Agricultural Comprehensive Development and Improve the Modern Agriculture Construction
摘要 农业综合开发是国家支持农业发展的一项重要措施,在推进现代农业中具有重要作用。建湖县是农业生产大县,应充分利用农业综合开发这个平台,找准在推进现代农业发展中的着力点,为社会主义新农村建设作出重要贡献。 Agricultural comprehensive development is an important method for agriculture development and it also plays a significant role in modem agriculture improvement. Jianhu is a big agricultural produce county. So we should use this good factor to contribute new country-side construction.
作者 姜海平
出处 《农业开发与装备》 2007年第9期37-38,共2页 Agricultural Development & Equipments
关键词 农业综合开发 现代农业 措施 成效 agricultural comprehensive development modem agriculture method effect
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