采用CORSIKA中的QGSJET强相互作用模型产生Monte Carlo的EAS事例样本,让所有Monte Carlo事例通过探测器阵列,形成Monte Carlo的观测事例样本。结果证实:通过研究宇宙线高能族事例发展,可以得到较理想的朝前区强子相互作用信息,从而能够有效的对目前正在使用的各种唯象模型的朝前区强子作用性质从TeV能区进行检验。
The QGSJET model of the CORSIKA has been employed to get the EAS sample of Monte Carlo,so that all the Monte Carlo events can form event samples by way of dropping to the calorimeter and ARGO detector. It is confirmed that making certain the selecting criterion can get samples which can be used for studying from TeV region the hadronic interaction in the forward region.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College