
“多重障碍·多重干预”综合康复体系的构建 被引量:39

Construction of Integrated Rehabilitation System of Multi-Impairment and Multi-Intervention
摘要 本文基于国内外特殊教育、康复医学的发展趋势及国内特殊学校、康复中心康复工作的现状,构建了特殊学校、康复中心"多重障碍.多重干预"综合康复体系。该康复体系强调"医学康复"与"教育康复"相结合、"缺陷补偿"与"潜能开发"相结合、"重点训练"与"多重干预"相结合。该康复体系的内容由听觉功能、言语功能、语言能力、认知能力、学科学习能力、心理与行为、运动能力评估与训练七个功能模块所组成。该体系的建构对于落实《中国残疾人事业"十一五"发展纲要》及提升我国特殊学校儿童的康复水平具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。 This article constructs an integrated rehabilitation system of multi - impairment and multi - inter- vention for special schools and rehabilitation centers based on development direction of special education and re- habilitation beth home and abroad, and current situations of special schools and rehabilitation centers' rehabilitation in our country. This rehabilitation system emphasizes combination of medical rehabilitation and educational rehabilitation, disability compensation and potential development, as well as special intervention and general approach. Seven functional modules are embodied in this system including hearing, speech, language, cognition, subject learning, emotion and behavior, and motor system. The construction of this system has great theoretical significance and practical values for carrying out The National Outline of the Eleventh Five - Year Program for Disabled People and improving rehabilitation level of special children in our country.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第10期3-13,40,共12页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 教育部2004年哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目<人工耳蜗术后汉语言康复教育机理和方法研究>的资助 该项目的首席专家为黄昭鸣教授。项目批准号:04JZD00033。 2005年上海市浦江人才计划项目<特殊儿童言语矫治的理论与方法研究>的资助 该项目的课题责任人为黄昭鸣教授。项目批准号:沪人2005-105。 2006年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目<多重障碍儿童多重干预的理论与方法研究>的资助 该项目的课题责任人为黄昭鸣教授。项目批准号:NCET-06-0426。
关键词 特殊学校 多重障碍 多重干预 综合康复 special school multi-impairment multi-intervention integrated rehabilitation
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