
包装处理方式对冰温贮藏黄鳝片品质的影响 被引量:28

Effect of Treatments and Packages on Qualities of Monopterus albus Slices during Controlled Freezing-point Storage
摘要 以生鲜黄鳝为试材,分别测定普通包装、真空包装、100%CO2充气包装和新鲜、添加2.0%蔗糖、添加2.5%食盐的黄鳝片在冰温贮藏过程中的细菌总数、总挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、pH值、总酸度和肉汁渗出率,观察包装处理方式对冰温贮藏黄鳝片品质的影响。结果表明,不同的处理方法和包装方式对冰温贮藏过程中黄鳝片品质变化有明显影响。加盐腌制调味、真空包装或CO2充气包装有利于抑制黄鳝片中细菌的生长和TVB-N的产生,延长黄鳝片的冰温保鲜时间。采用真空包装或CO2充气包装的黄鳝片冰温贮藏23 d后TVB-N含量分别为95.80 mg/kg和89.10 mg/kg,仍可达到1级鲜度指标。但真空包装会导致冰温贮藏后期黄鳝片肉汁渗出率增大。 Monopterusalbus slices (mud slices) treated or not treated by 2.0% sucrose,2.5% salt were packed with common package, vacuum package and CO2 filling gas package, respectively,and then stored at control freezing-point temperature, The aerobic bacterial counts, total volatile basic nitrogen value (TVB-N), pH value, total acid and the drop loss rate of mud slices during storage were measured in order to investigate the effect of pre-treatments and package methods on the qualities of mud slices. Resuits showed that common package with 2.5 % salt treated, vacuum package and CO2 filling gas package without pre-treatment could inhibit microbial growth, decrease TVB-N value and extend shelf life of mud slices, effectively. The TVB-N of mud slices with vacuum package and CO2 filling gas package was 95.80 mg/kg and 89.10 mg/kg respectively under the control freezing-point temperature storage after 23 days, which still maintained the quality of first grade. However, vacuum package would increase the drop loss rate of the mud slices.
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期714-718,共5页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2007ABA026) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD30B01 2006BAK02A22)资助
关键词 黄鳝 品质 冰温保鲜 包装方式 Monopterus albus quality controlled freezing-point storage package method
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