
儿童青少年体成分不同测量方法比较 被引量:9

Study on association and consistence of body composition measured by different methods
摘要 目的采用人体测量学、生物电阻抗法(bioelectrical impedance analysis,BIA)、双能X线吸收法(dual-en-ergy X-ray absorptiomery,DXA)对儿童进行体成分测量并探讨相关性与一致性。方法以62名8-15岁儿童青少年为研究对象,采用人体测量、BIA和DXA法进行身体成分测定。结果3种方法所测的体成分指标与体质指数(BMI)均呈较强正相关(r=0.700-0.816);腰围、腰臀比、腹部皮脂厚度与DXA所测的躯干脂肪含量和脂肪百分含量呈高度正相关(r分别为0.847,0.726和0.885)。体成分测量指标在长岭公式法与DXA之间,BIA与DXA之间均存在较强相关联性。对于大部分个体而言,运用长岭公式低估了体脂百分含量,BIA方法在各体脂水平均低估了个体的体脂百分含量。结论腰围等简单人体测量指标在中心性体脂分布上有一定应用价值。长岭公式方法与BIA法均不同程度地低估了个体的实际体脂百分含量,与DXA的一致性较差,需创造条件扩大样本含量进行验证。 Objective To determine the associaton and agreement of anthropometric variables. BIA and DXA indicators of body composition in children and adolescents. Methods Body composition was measured by anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA)and dual- energy X- ray absorptiometry (DXA)( criterion method)in 62 children and adolescents aged 8 - 15. Results Body compositon measured by the three methods was positively associated with BMI ( r = 0. 700- 0. 816). Waist circumstance, hip circumstance and abdominal skinfold thickness were positively associated with trunk fat mass and trunk percent fat mass measured by DXA ( r = 0.847, 0.726, 0.885). There exited strong association between SF - based equation and DXA and between BIA and DXA, yet SF- based equation underestimated PBF in most individuals and BIA underestimated PBF under diference fat mass levels. Conclusion The utility of waist circumstance for the measurement of central fat distribution. PBF measured by SF - based equation and BIA underestimated actual PBF to some extent, and showed poor agreement with DXA. Large samples should be required to confirm fuarther validation.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1303-1305,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 体质指数 皮肤壁厚度 电阻抗/诊断应用 吸光度测定法 X线 body mass index skinfold thickness electric impedance/diagnostic use densitometry X - ray
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