
准噶尔盆地北三台地区侏罗系储层流体包裹体研究 被引量:3

Fluid Inclusion Analysis of the Jurassic Reservoirs in Beisantai Area of Junggar Basin
摘要 北三台地区侏罗系储层经历了多次构造运动的改造。对研究区11口井101块流体包裹体样品的系统分析结果表明,该区侏罗系储层具有多期次的油气充注特征。流体包裹体的均一温度和油包裹体的荧光颜色(强度)等测试结果表明,研究区侏罗系储层经历过4期热流体活动,捕获了3期油包裹体和1期天然气包裹体,分别对应地质历史时期3次油充注和1次天然气充注过程。3期油包裹体的均一温度分别为40-65,65-80,80-120℃。油包裹体和盐水包裹体均一温度以及盐水包裹体盐度的统计结果表明,第2期和第3期热流体活动占主导地位。结合埋藏史分析可知,油充注发生于燕山期,天然气成藏发生在喜山早期。研究区现今油气与古油气无论在油气组分还是在成熟度方面都存在明显的差异,这种差异性与油气早期成藏后期遭受改造破坏有关。综合研究区烃源岩的生、排烃史,侏罗系储层埋藏史以及构造活动演化史的分析可知,燕山晚期是北三台地区侏罗系储层的主成藏期,燕山晚期充注的油气是现今油气的主要来源。 The Jurassic reservoirs of Beisantai area in Junggar Basin experienced many tectonic reconstructions. In this research ,101 fluid inclusion samples from 11 wells of the area have been obtained and analyzed systematically. The results indicate that the Jurassic reservoirs are characterized by multiple hydrocarbons charging. The results of fluorescence intensity on petroleum inclusions and homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion indicate that the Jurassic reservoir in Beisantai experienced four thermal fluid activities and captured 3 stages of oil inclusions and 1 stage of gas inclusions, which correspond respectively to three times of petroleum charging and one time of gas charging. The homogenization temperatures of oil inclusion range from 40℃ to 65℃, from 65℃to 80℃ and from 80℃ to 120℃. The statistics of homogenization temperature and salinity of oil inclusion and saline inclusion indicates that the second and third hydrothermal fluids are dominating. Comprehensive analysis of fluid inclusion and the burial history curve shows that the three times of hydrocarbon charging happened in the Yanshan times and the gas charging happened in the early Himalayan. Not only the compositions but also the maturity are different between paleohydro-carbon and present hydrocarbon. The differences are related to the later damage. The integrated information from burial history , tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon thermal history suggests that the critical moment for petroleum charging is in the late Yanshan, which is also the main origin of present hydrocarbon.
作者 潘福友
出处 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期71-75,共5页 Geological Science and Technology Information
关键词 准噶尔盆地 北三台 侏罗系 流体包裹体 成藏期 Junggar Basin Beisantai Jurassic fluid inclusion petroleum charging moment
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