
4个牦牛品种的RAPD遗传多样性研究 被引量:13

Study on Genetic Variation in Yak Breeds by RAPD Technique
摘要 研究采用RAPD分子标记技术对麦洼、九龙、大通和天祝白牦牛等4个牦牛品种共124头牦牛进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明:①每个RAPD引物扩增的DNA片段数在18~33个,且所有品种均表现多态,标记多态频率平均为38.63%,检测片断大小在0.25~5kb之间;②用Shannon多样性指数公式计算牦牛品种的遗传多样性指数(HO),结果显示九龙、麦洼、大通、天祝白牦牛的遗传多样性指数分别为0.311、0.262、0.252和0.216;③采用Rogers遗传距离公式分析4个牦牛品种问的遗传距离(DR)结果:天祝白牦牛与九龙牦牛遗传距离最大(0.0414),与大通牦牛的距离最小(0.0383);④根据DR值,将4个牦牛品种聚为两大类,九龙牦牛聚为一类,其它3个牦牛品种聚为一类。大通牦牛和天祝白牦牛在较近的水平上首先聚为一类,然后与麦洼牦牛聚为一大类。 124 yaks of Maiwa, Jiulong, Datong and Tianzhu white yak breed were selected and the genetic diversity of them were determined by using RAPD and AFLP molecular marker technique in this pa- per. The result showed that : (1)there were 18~33 DNA fragments were amplified for each RAPD primer and there were polymorphic for all of breeds. The mean value of marking polymorphism frequency was 38. 63%. The length of fragment amplified was ranged from 0. 25 kb to 5 kb. (2)The genetic diversity index of different yak breeds were calculated with the use of Shannon diversity index equation and its result was 0. 311 in Jiulong yak, 0. 262 in Maiwa yak, 0. 252 in Datong yak, 0.216 in Tianzhu white yak. (3)The genetic distance DR of 4 yak breeds were derived from Rogers' genetic distance equation, there was the largest genetic distance between Tianzhu white yak and Jiulong yak, the smallest value was existed in between Tianzhu white yak and Datong yak. The 4 yak breeds were clustered into 2 kinds, Jiulong yak belongs to one and the three others belongs to another.
出处 《中国牛业科学》 2007年第6期5-10,共6页 China Cattle Science
关键词 牦牛 RAPD 分子标记 遗传多样性 Yak RAPD Molecular marker Genetic diversity
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