
阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的初步研究 被引量:5

Preliminary Study on the Fishing Ground of lllex argentinus
摘要 根据2001年12月至2002年4月“辽渔1号”在西南大西洋(57°W—60°W,41°S—47°S)的柔鱼生产调查资料,对作业渔场的渔获量和水温垂直分布特点进行了初步分析,并运用逐步回归法探讨了周产量(t/Week)与各水层温度之间的关系。结果表明:(1)周产量在70t以上的作业区域全部在60°02′W—60°40′W,44°59′S-46°04′S范围内(简称南渔场),周产量在70t以下的作业区域绝大多数集中在57°47′W—58°2′W,41°54′S-42°2′S范围内(简称北渔场);(2)南渔场渔获的表层水温在12.2℃-15.1℃,北渔场渔获的表层水温在10.0℃~12.3℃,两渔场在20—70m水体均出现了强度不等的温跃层;(3)整个作业区域,周产量与水温存在线性相关,相关系数R=0.8515,其中南渔场相关系数R=0.9985,北渔场相关系数R=0.9313。 Based on the data of squid fishery from "Liaoyu No. 1" jigging boat in the Southwest Atlantic from Dec., 2001 to Apr., 2002, the distribution of fishing yield and water temperature in different depths was analyzed. And the relationship between weekly fishing yield and water temperature on different layers was studied by using stepwise regressive analysis. The result indicated as follows: firstly, the above 70t weekly catch all came from the area ( 60 °02′W-60 °40′W, 44°59′S- 46°04′S ), namely the southern fishing ground; the below 70t weekly catch mostly came from the area ( 57°47′W-58°2′W, 41°54′S-42°2′S ) , namely the northern fishing ground, secondly, sea surface temperature in the southern fishing ground and the northern fishing ground were respectively 12.2 ℃ - 15.1 ℃ and 10.0 ℃ - 12.3 ℃, and the thermocline was found between 20m and 70m depth in two mentioned fishing grounds, but the strength of the thermocline was different between them, thirdly, in all fishing areas, the relationship between the weekly catch and the temperature on different layers was linear, and the correlative coefficient was 0.851 5; thereinto, the correlative coefficients of the southern fishing ground and the northern fishing ground were respectively 0.998 5 and 0.931 3.
出处 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期102-107,共6页 Marine Science Bulletin
关键词 阿根廷滑柔鱼 温跃层 逐步回归分析 西南大西洋 lllex argentinus thermocline stepwise regressive analysis the Southwest Atlantic
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