
干压结合冷等静压成形对陶瓷力学性能的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Mechanical Properties of Ceramics on Dry Pressing with Cold Isostatic Pressing
摘要 本文通过研究在不同压力下进行干压结合冷等静压成形过程对陶瓷素坯体和烧结体的结构、性能的影响,得出了最佳的成形工艺条件,即干压压力为20T、冷等静压压力为200MPa。 The effects of dry pressing with cold isostatic pressing under different pressure on the structure and properties of the green and sintered body of ceramics was studied. The best craft condition was gotten with dry pressure 20T and cold isostatic pressure 200 MPa,
出处 《佛山陶瓷》 2007年第11期5-7,共3页 Foshan Ceramics
关键词 干压 冷等静压成形 力学性能 烧结体 素坯体 dry pressing,cold isostatic pressing,mechanical properties,sintered body,green body
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