
构建基于顾客让渡价值的CSI的比较模型 被引量:2

To Build up a Mode of CSI from Customer Delivered Value
摘要 提高顾客让渡价值是提高顾客满意度的一种有效方式,但由于无法判断出顾客让渡价值中哪些因素发挥了积极作用,因而基于顾客让渡价值的顾客满意度的比较模型是分别考察顾客总价值满意度和顾客总成本满意度,并使二者之间建立起联系。该模型能够区别出顾客让渡价值中各个因素所发挥的不同作用,从而为企业提高让渡价值提供参考依据。 Improving customer delivered value is an effective way to enchance customer sanatacuon index. But it cannot be judged which factors among the customer delivered value have played a positive role . Comparison model based on customer satisfaction index of customer delivered value aims to investigate customer total value satisfaction index and customer total cost satisfaction index respectively and establish a connection between the above two. The model can distinguish the different effect of factors among customer delivered value, therefore it can supply references to companies to improve customer delivered value.
作者 卜庆娟
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 2007年第6期94-98,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
关键词 顾客让渡价值 顾客满意度 比较模型 营销对策 customer delivered value customer satisfaction index comparison modle marketing strategy
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