
一种新的重睑成形术──“切埋法”重睑成形术 被引量:1

The double eyelid operation by method of incision and burying suture
摘要 本文报道一种重睑成形术的新方法“切埋法”重睑成形术148例,该手术优点是术后切口瘢痕小,成形自然,恢复期短,重睑保持时间长,集中了埋线法与切开法重睑成形术的优点,改进了二者之缺点。本术缺点是要求术者有一定的经验,若切口切开后临时改变设计弧线,则重睑线高低可调节的范围不大。 This article reports a new operation method of incision and burying suture in 148 cases. The operation has advantages of small scar, natural shape, short recovery period, long maintenance. It gathers the advantages of both double eyelid operation in burying of suture and duplication of incision, improving their shortcomings. disadvantage of the operation is that it demands an experimental operatorand if the operator alter design line, after cuts on the eyes is made, double eyelid line could only be regulated in a narrow range .
出处 《实用美容整形外科杂志》 1997年第3期139-140,共2页 Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 缝合 重睑成形术 切埋法 Suture, Double eyelid operation
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