

摘要 为了实现提高效率,降低戍本,优化资源配置,保护环境的市场目标,解决由于历史等原因导致不同发电厂的成本差异和水电的季节性差异,给各发电公司提供公平的竞争环境,实现多发水电,提高大容量、低排放机组利用率,减少污染,减少资源耗费的目的,同时平衡各方利益,促进电力产业结构升级,平稳关停小火电,建立水火电置换市场是一种很好的解决方式。本文分析了建立水火电置换市场的目的、意义、条件和可行性,并对四川电网水火电置换市场的实际操作做了简要介绍,实践证明建立水火电置换市场具有理论价值和现实意义。提出了建立水火电置换市场的若干建议。 Developing market for Hydroelectricity to replace fossil-electricity is anlong the best resolution to realize the objectives of improving efficiency, reducing cost, optimizing resource allocation and protecting environment, to deal with cost difference among generators because of historical reasons and hydropower difference among seasons, to provide a fair competition environment, to real- ize higher utilization level of hydropower and high-capacity-low-discharging units and reduction of pollution and resource consumption, at the same time, to balance interest of different parties, to accelerate structural upgrade in electric power industry, and to shut down small scale fossil generating units on an even keel. This article analyses objectives, significance, conditions and feasibility of developing replacement market for hydro- and fossil- power, and briefly introduces realistic market practices in Sichuan provincial power grid. The practices prove that developing the replacement market is provided with both theoretical value and realistic signifi-cance. Advice are provided of developing market for Hydroelectricity to replace fossil-electricity.
出处 《现代经济(现代物业下半月)》 2007年第9期22-26,共5页
关键词 电力市场 水火电置换 提高效率 资源优化配置 和谐社会 electricity market replacement of hydro-and fossil-power efficiency optimizing resource allocation harmonious society
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