
行为决策理论之父:纪念Edwards教授2周年忌辰 被引量:1

Ward Edwards:Father of Behavioral Decision Theory
摘要 著名心理学家W ard Edwards对行为决策的学科形成与理论发展作出了巨大贡献。文章简要介绍了Edwards的生平,以主观期望效用模型和贝叶斯决策为核心回顾了Edwards的决策理论、主要成就及其对行为决策研究的学术贡献。文章并从行为决策领域的研究、科普、应用及人才培养等方面总结了中国行为决策研究的发展历程,以及Edwards的学术思想对中国行为决策研究的主要影响。文章展望了行为决策研究的前景,并呼吁更多的中国心理学工作者投身于行为决策研究。 Ward Edwards,the father of behavioral decision theory, integrated economics and psychology, and pioneered the descriptive theories of risky decision making. He also laid the groundwork for early research on Bayesian inference. Later he became a leader in the development and promotion of decision analysis. Beginning with a brief retrospect of Edwards' life,this paper reviews Edwards' contributions in the field of descriptive theory of risky decision making and his achievements in behavioral decision making,which brought decision making to the attention of psychologists as a topic for behavioral research, and gave behavioral decision theory its name. His influence on behavioral decision-making in China is also discussed. Furthermore, the authors encourage young scholars to devote themselves to the study of behavioral decision-making.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2007年第2期99-107,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 中国科学院"百人计划"及国家自然科学基金(70671099 70701036)
关键词 行为决策 主观期望效用模型 贝叶斯决策 behavioral decision-making ,subjectively expected utility model ,Bayesian decision
  • 相关文献


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