
新农民阶层与乡村司法理论的反证 被引量:48

A Counterevidence of New Farmer Estate and Rural Justice Theory
摘要 作为当前学界主流的乡村司法理论,基于对乡村社会结构内向、封闭的理解,具有明显的地方化特征。然而,新农民阶层的出现及其推动的乡村社会变迁,导致乡村司法理论产生一些悖论性事实。这种变迁和悖论能够从"地位获得理论"与乡村司法运作存在的关联中加以解释。据此,现有的乡村司法理论应当有所修正,使得带有"治理"味道的地方化特征不再那么显著,转而复归到追求普适化的乡村法治化轨道。 The primary trend of the theory of rural justice in current learning field displays prominent local personality because of the thinking of diffidence and obtumtion in rural society. But, some inconsistent facts in the theory of rural justice emerge with the appearance of" New farmer estate" and the movement of rural society. The movement and inconsistentation could be explained by the contact between "theory of getting estate" and the fact of rural justice. So the theory of rual justice must be modified into the way of lesser characters of locality and nomal rule administraion in rural society.
作者 杨力
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期157-165,共9页 China Legal Science
基金 司法部2006年度"法治建设与法学理论研究"课题(06SFB3001) 2006年上海市法学会课题的阶段性成果
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