
幼教工作者对特殊幼儿融合教育问题的态度和意见的调查研究 被引量:39

A Survey on Preschool Educators' Attitudes and Suggestions to Inclusive Early Childhood Education
摘要 为了解普通幼儿园工作者对特殊幼儿融合教育问题的态度和意见,本文对174名教师和保育员进行问卷调查,主要发现:(1)幼教工作者对特殊幼儿有一定的了解,但不够深入;(2)幼教工作者以及普通幼儿家长在保障师资、设备以及教育方式的情况下,更乐意接受特殊幼儿进入普通幼儿园;(3)幼教工作者认为学前阶段实施特殊教育最需解决的问题依次为师资问题、设备问题、家长观念、教师观念、经费问题以及专设督导机构问题。 This paper investigates 174 preschool educators, including teachers and nursery governesses through questionnaire in order to learn their attitudes to inclusive early childhood education. The results are as the follows: (1) The knowledge of preschool educators about the exceptional young children is not enough; (2) The preschool educators as well as children's parents are more likely to accept inclusive early childhood education if there are enough qualified teachers, and facilities and educational approaches can be guaranteed; (3) In preschool educators' opinion, teacher training, facilities, parents' awareness of inclusive education, teachers' ideas of inclusive education, the budget and founding of supervision organization are the urgent issues to solve in implementing inclusive early childhood education.
作者 孙玉梅
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第12期8-13,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 幼教工作者 特殊幼儿 学前融合教育 preschool educator exceptional young children inclusive early childhood education
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