目的通过调查研究建立正常老年人血常规的参考值范围。方法应用百分位数法统计长春市区、双阳区、农村地区60岁以上老年人的血常规参考值范围,被调查者空腹经肘静脉采血,以COULTER血细胞分析仪测定,数据统计应用SPSS 10.0软件。结果本调查的血常规指标呈非正态分布,老年人参考值与临床常用的参考值有显著性差别(P<0.001),男性和女性间有显著性差别(P<0.001),不同地区被调查者及不同血细胞分析仪的测定结果对参考值统计没有显著性差别(P>0.05)。结论临床常用的参考值范围不适于老年人。本调查的参考值范围可作为本室方法的老年人血常规参考值范围。
Objective To establish healthy reference range of hemogram by using investigated data from older population.Methods To investigate the reference range of hemogram in those who ages of 60 or above older pupolafion with percentile method in ChangChtm Urban District, ShuangYang District and rural area.Participants were asked to collected fasting blood from median eubital vein. Measurement of hemogram with COULTER hematology analyzer. Statistical analysis was performed by using the software of SPSS 10.0.Results The distribution of this study from reference subjects was showed non-normal distribution, There were significantly differences for reference values between older population and younger adult population. There were significantly differences for all hemogram indices between women and men. There were no differences in ChangChun Urban District, ShuangYang District and rural area, There were not markedly different from various types of hematology analyzer. Conelusion The reference range that was usually used in clinical practice may not be ideal for the evaluation of test results from older population. The reference range that derived from this study was suitable for our elinical laboratory to compare hemograrn results from older adults.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis