
南方鲇上下颌须神经分支的电生理研究 被引量:2

The Electrophysiological Research on the Maxillary and Mandibular Branches of Silurus meridionalis Chen
摘要 南方鲇头面部的皮肤受外界机械和化学物质刺激时采用电生理技术记录其面神经主要感觉支(上下颌须神经)的诱发放电。结果表明:由须的基部到顶端上下颌须神经对机械刺激的反应频率和幅度逐渐增强;上颌须神经相对下颌须神经有更高的味觉敏感性,其反应的幅度和频率更大,且阈值较低变化率大。两者都有脱敏和适应性现象;上下颌须神经含有3种类型单纤维,这3类单纤维及其联系的味蕾感受器可能构成3种基本的味觉单元。 When the surface skins of southern catfish were stimulated by the mechanical and chemical subjects, the evoking discharges were recorded from the main sense branches ( maxillary and mandibular branches) of the facial nerve by the electrophysiological techniques. The results are: The frequencies and scopes of evoking discharges from the beard's base to the top by the mechanical stimulus are raised; The maxillary branch has higher taste sensitivity, lower value, bigger rate, frequency and scope than the mandibular branch. All have the insensitivity and adaptation ; There are three types of filaments in the maxillary and mandibular braches. The three type filament and their connected taste buds constitute three basic taste units.
作者 赵磊 龙天澄
出处 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期69-73,共5页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30070104)
关键词 南方鲇(Silurus MERIDIONALIS Chen) 上颌须神经 下颌须神经 诱发放电 southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis Chen) maxillary branch mandibular branch evoking discharge
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