This paper comments on the impetus of America "GRID 2030"-A NATIONAL VISION FOR ELECTRICITY'S SECOND 100 YEARS. In the paper, the author points out that "GRID 2030" is a guidance of America 21st century electric power system modernization. According to "GRID 2030", America will construct a multilayer power grid consisting of national backbone grid which will apply high temperature superconducting cables and HVDC equipments connecting regional grids, local distribution networks and distributed energy systems. It will be a revolutionary upgrading to the structure of current synchronous grid, and will strengthen the security and reliability of the grid. The paper also emphasizes the important symbol of 21st century grid architecture moderuization-establishment of the Integrative Electric Power and Communication System Architecture(IEPCSA). Taking the Strategic Power Infrastructure Defense system (SPID) of U.S.A. as an example, the paper explains the feasibility of applying Multi-Agent System(MAS) theory to evaluate security of the new and complicated electric power system of IEPCSA. It stresses finally that facing new challenge of IEPCSA and SPID system, electric power communication is entering a new period of development.
Telecommunications for Electric Power System