
无线供能胃肠道微型诊查机器人系统研究 被引量:10

Study on Wireless Powered Microrobot for Gastrointestinal Detection
摘要 本文介绍一种新型无缆机器人内镜系统.通过对无线供能、通讯、图像三个子系统的研究,解决了机器人由于拖线而不能深入人体的问题,实现了无线化.设计的双闭环控制无线能量传输系统传输效率达3—8%,传输功率800mW,为体内无创、微创诊疗器械的进一步研究奠定了基础.通过机器人头部的微型摄像装置,可以把体内图像信息以30帧/秒的帧率实时传输到体外.研制的机器人样机直径12mm,长150mm,猪结肠离体实验的结果表明,该机器人能够适应柔软、粘滑的肠道组织. This paper reports a novel wireless robotic endoscope. Researches are carried out on the subsystems of wireless powering, communication and imaging. The tethering problem which prevents the robot from going further into the body is overcome by wireless power transmission. Power up to 800 mW can be transmitted at an efficiency of 3 - 8% based on the designed double closed-loop control strategy, laying a foundation for further research on non-invasive or minimal invasive devices. Vedio data inside the body can be transmitted outside via the miniature imaging device on the robot head at a frame rate of 30fps. The robot prototype is 12 mm in diameter and 150 mm in length. The results of in vitro porcine colon experiments show that this robotic endoscope is suitable for soft and slippery tissues.
出处 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期56-62,共7页 Robot
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30570485) 国家863计划资助项目(2006AA04Z368)
关键词 微型机器人 无线能量传输 胃肠道 微型摄像 microrobot wireless power transmission gastrointestinal tract miniature imaging
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