采用Western Blot方法,检测、分析人食管、胃、大肠的正常组织、癌旁组织及癌组织中的HSP70蛋白表达差异。在不同器官的不同组织中,HSP70的表达情况有较大差异。在人胃、食管、大肠三个器官的正常组织、癌旁组织和癌组织中,HSP70的表达量依次升高。消化道癌组织中大量表达的HSP70蛋白可能在上述组织癌变进程中起一定作用,为深入研究消化道肿瘤的致病机理和治疗提供理论依据。
To analyze and compare the different abundance of HSP70 protein in the nomud carcinoma tissues of human's esophagtm, gastric and adjacent tissues using Western Blot. The expression of HSP70 differs in different tissues and different organs. In human's normal tissues of esophagus, gastric and colorectal carcinoma, as wen as the adjacent tissues, the expression of HSP70 proteim increases in turn. The HSP70 protein excessively expressed in alimentary tract cancer may have soma important fimctions in the process of digestive tract carcinomas change, which may provide theoretical base for the pathogenesis mechanism and treat of alinertary tract eaner.
Journal of Pingdingshan Institute of Technology