
发动机振动信号特征参数的多重分形研究 被引量:24

Study on Characteristic Parameters of Engine Vibration Signal Based on Multi-Fractal
摘要 提出利用多重分形谱参数来表征发动机振动信号特征的新方法。运用多重分形理论对实测的发动机缸体振动信号进行分析,计算了振动信号的多重分形谱参数,并探讨多重分形谱参数与发动机运行状态之间的内在联系。结果表明:多重分形谱参数能定量刻画振动信号的特征。随着发动机工作状态的不同,信号的多重分形谱参数也发生变化。发动机振动越剧烈,多重分形谱参数越大,其能够反映发动机的真实运行状态,可以作为发动机状态监测和故障诊断的特征参量。 A method to characterize engine vibration signal characteristics was proposed using multi-fractal spectrum parameters. The vibration signals picked up from the engine cylinder body were analyzed by using the multi-fractal theory, and the multi-fractal parameters of vibration signals under different operating conditions were calculated. The relationship between the muhi-fractal parameters and the operating condition was discussed. The study shows that the multi-fractal spectrum parameters can be used to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the vibration signals. The muhi-fractal spectrum parameters of the signals will vary with the variation of engine state. When the vibration intensity of cylinder body increases, the muhi-fractal spectrum parameters will increase and can reflect the real operating conditions of the engine. Therefore,the multi-fractal spectrum parameters can be used to the state monitoring and fault diagnosing.
出处 《内燃机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期87-91,共5页 Transactions of Csice
关键词 多重分形 谱参数 发动机 振动信号 Multi-fractal Spectrum parameter Engine Vibration signal
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