
移动机器人路径规划的现状与发展 被引量:2

Actualities and Development of Mobile Robot Path Planning
摘要 机器人路径规划是移动机器人导航的核心技术之一。移动规划技术近年发展迅速,涌现出了许多规划方法,在环境描述方式和技术的基础上,总结了机器人发展史上具有典型意义的规划方法,探讨了几种路径规划方法,分析了栅格分解法、人工势场法、同步定位与地图构建法,并指出了其各自的性能。 Path planning for robot is one of the focus technology of navigation for mobile robot. With the rapid development of motion planning recent years, many planning algorithm are appeared. On the basis of different methods and techniques of described environment, this paper has concluded typical planning algorithm in the history of robot, studied several path planning algorithm and analyzed grid decomposition method, artificial potential field method and synchronous localization and mapping method, and pointed out their respective functions.
作者 袁志强 王彪
出处 《机械管理开发》 2008年第1期35-36,39,共3页 Mechanical Management and Development
关键词 移动机器人 栅格分解 人工热场 同步定位与地图构建 Mobile robot Grid decomposition Artificial potential field Synchronous localization and mapping
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