
虾青素对日本沼虾血细胞密度及吞噬活力的影响 被引量:6

Effects of astaxanthin on density and phagotrophic ability of blood lymphocyte of prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
摘要 从雨生红球藻粉中提取虾青素,以60mg/kg的浓度添加到日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponensis)的配合饵料中,在实验室条件下饲养三周,研究虾青素对日本沼虾血淋巴密度及吞噬活力(吞噬百分比和吞噬指数)的影响。结果显示添加虾青素组的日本沼虾不论是血细胞密度还是吞噬活力都显著高于对照组,表明虾青素可显著提高日本沼虾的免疫力。 These study uses astaxanthin from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, were supplemented in formulated diets at two concentrations,0 and 60 mg/kg . The different diets were fed to Macrobrachium nipponensis for 3 weeks in controlled laboratory environment. Then total hemocyte counts(THCs), phagocytic activity (including phagocytic percentage and phagocytic index) were determined. The results indicated that 60 mg/kg astaxanthin di- etary supplementation could increase total hemocyte counts and phagocytosis activity. It can be inferred that astaxanthin can ameliorate level of non - specific immunity in Macrobrachium nipponensis
机构地区 河北大学
出处 《河北渔业》 2008年第1期8-10,13,共4页
基金 河北省自然科学基金(C2007000193) 河北大学博士基金
关键词 日本沼虾 虾青素 血细胞 吞噬活力 Macrobrachium nipponensis astaxanthin hemocyte phagocytic activity
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