
京津塘高速公路雾气候特征与气象条件分析 被引量:51

Analysis of Climatic Characteristics and Weather Conditions for Fog over the JingJinTang Expressway
摘要 利用1954-2002年的北京、天津和塘沽3站的雾日、雾发生时间以及气象观测资料,对京津塘高速公路沿线雾的气候特征以及气象条件进行了分析。结果发现,京津塘沿线多年平均雾日在15~19天。北京、天津两站的雾日年际变化一致。但在多年雾日变化上北京雾日数略呈逐年下降趋势,而天津、塘沽则略呈上升趋势。京津塘公路沿线雾多在凌晨到日出前后生成,在日出后逐渐消失。雾持续时间随时间变化呈指数递减。地面温度、相对湿度、风速等气象要素对京津塘高速公路沿线雾的预报具有较好的指示意义。地面温度在-5~5℃范围内、风速在0~4m.s-1和相对湿度在90%~100%范围里,雾极易发生。 Using fog data and weather observation data around Beijing, Tianjin, Tanggu stations from 1949 to 2002, the characteristic and weather conditions of fog over JingJinTang expressway are analyzed. Results show that the annual mean fog days are between 15 and 19 days along the JingJinTang expressway. The inter-annual changes of fog between Beijing and Tianjin stations are same. But there is a little downtrend for fog days in Beijing, while a little uptrend in TianJin and Tanggu. The fog apears easily from wee hours to the time around sunrise, and disappers gradually after sunrise over Jing-Jin-Tang expressway. There is an index degression correlation between the duration of fog and time. The weather factors such as the surface temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and so on have good indications for fog forecasting over the JingJinTang expressway. When the surface temperature is between - 5℃ and 5℃, the wind speed is less than 4m·s^-1 and the relative humidity is between 90% and 100%, fog aprears more easily.
作者 田华 王亚伟
出处 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期66-71,共6页 Meteorological Monthly
关键词 温度 湿度 fog temperature humidity wind
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