
杉木第二代种子园自由授粉子代遗传变异及优良家系选择 被引量:48

Genetic variations of open-pollinated progenies from the second seed orchard and selection of superior families of Chinese fir
摘要 对福建省洋口国有林场一片15年生杉木第二代子代测定林的主要生长性状进行统计分析(参试家系为238个)结果表明,参试的各家系在树高、胸径、材积性状间的差异表达到极显著水平。以材积性状作为主要指标,同时兼顾树高、胸径指标,对参试家系进行选择,选出4088号家系等表现最好的33个家系,15年生时平均单株树高、胸径、材积值分别为13·90m、15·74cm、0·15485m3,遗传增益分别为1·58%、4·12%、和9·87%,平均现实遗传增益为28·36%,这些优良家系适合在福建顺昌洋口周边Ⅱ类立地条件下推广应用。 The main growth traits such as tree height, DBH and stem volume were studied using 15-year-old progeny test of Chinese fir. They originated from the second seed orchard open-pollinated established at Yangkou National Forest Farm of Fujian in 1989. The results showed that there were very significant differences among families in tree height, DBH and stem volume. According to the synthetical analysis, 33 superior families with good performance in growth were selected from 238 open-pollinated families tested. The average genetic gain were 1.58% ,4.12% and 9.87% , respectively. Their realized genetic gain were up to 28.36% . These superior families were very suitable to be deployed about the area of Yangkou town, Shunehang, Fujian province.
作者 翁玉榛
出处 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期15-18,共4页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 国家"九五"科技攻关项目(96-011-03-01) 福建省林木种苗科技攻关专项 福建省科技重大专项(2006NZ0001-2)
关键词 杉木 第二代种子园 子代测定 遗传变异 选择 Cunninghamia lanceolata The second seed orchard Progeny test Genetic variation Selection
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